Sunday, November 2, 2014

Coming out of the rain

What a few days since I last posted!  Kieran stayed home from school Thursday and Friday.  I had volunteered to chaperone Zoey's class trip on Friday, so D had to call in to work.  But that is another story.  I had 3.5 hours with which to entertain 2 7-year-old girls with a tractor ride, corn maze and a handful of backyard games.  So after 1 tractor ride around the farm, solving the corn maze twice and playing each game 3 times, we still had 2 hours to fill.  Here is where whining sets in, the girls were bored, too.  Thankfully they brought out lunch and then allowed all the kids with parents there to leave early :).

So all is well, Mom of the year, right?  I wish.  We get home and suddenly Kman spikes a fever and starts just crying in his room.  It is Zoey's fault, she sneezed on him, he doesn't know why he feels this way, everything hurts, and he is holding his ear.  Now remember, we live in the mountains, and just moved here over the Summer.  Most Mom's establish a new doctor right away, bit that would have been too much like planning.  We called one office that comes up in a search for walk-in clinic.  They only offer walk-in for non-patients after hours, call back after 5:00.  Called the next listing, their doctor doesn't work Fridays.  Third time is a charm, found a place almost all the way down by Dollywood.  Mind you it is now after 4:00, on the one road in to Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg :/. 4 miles down the road and Kieran is crying, I am crying and traffic isn't moving.  I might have let some choice words slip :/. While we were looking for a clinic, I had put some Mellelucca oil on a cotton ball in his ear.  About another 4 miles down the road, the pain started to dissipate.  We got there, and I have to say, the place was accommodating, understanding, efficient and all over wonderful!  There was some fluid behind his ears and general congestion.  A couple of prescriptions, a note for school and a Popsicle and we were on our way :)

By now the rain had started, so needless to say, we never made it Trick or Treating.  Fast forward to medicine time.  Ever taste a yummy medicine?  Yeah, me either.  Not going to lie, I bribed him with candy.  Still didn't work.  So, for now, the mellelucca seems to be keeping the ear on the path to healing, no fever since Friday afternoon, and even the cough seems to be on the mend!

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