Friday, November 28, 2014

I survived!

Fried turkey, homemade mac n cheese, balsamic and bacon Brussels sprouts, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, sausage stuffing and crescent rolls.  It was alllllllll delicious.  Kman ate an Easy Mac :/. Everyone else ate and ate and ate some more until we just couldn't eat anymore.

By 5:30 we were still stuffed and bored, so I made an attempt at Target.  24 miles away, where I have only been 3-4 times ever, and requires several one way roads and I have never been in the dark.  I am one of those people where my clocks are always running fast or slow, so my GPS likes to skip steps as well.  After our third circle of the area and missing one last turn and getting back on the highway towards home, I took it as a sign and went there.  I was bummed, Z has been begging for a sewing machine for over a year and there is an offer for a free Isabelle gift through American Girl with the purchase of any Singer machine through November 30th.  Luckily my mind was not completely fried since that was the extent of my Gray Thursday shopping and I thought to check online.  BAM what?!  Done and done with free shipping and 4 Swagbucks for every dollar I spent!  

This afternoon we went and had some lunch and shopping at Bass Pro Shops.  It is Kman's most favorite store!  He played all the games in Santa's Village while Z rode the Merry go round and colored :). Tomorrow we are off for Zoey's early birthday celebration in Atlanta.  American Girl and Lego Store, here we come!!!!!


  1. What is the Isabelle gift? How do you know what sewing machine to choose? I want one! LOL

  2. Some past orders came with a code from Singer, JoAnn had some as well. JoAnn only handed them out with certain purchases. From what I have read (and hope) it is on ANY Singer machine purchase through today.
